New Features and Updates for APPXLast Update: 02/19/01
1. Mainframe Installation - VSE CICS ==================================== Across the Boards is distributed in VSE/SP LIBR BACKUP format. This format is usable under both DOS VSE/SP and DOS VSE/ESA. Use the librarian program (LIBR) to add the ATB members to your libraries. Sample JCL follows: // JOB RESTORE ATB MODULES // ASSGN SYS006,TAPE // PAUSE MOUNT DISTRIBUTION TAPE ON SYS006 // MTC REW,SYS006 // EXEC LIBR RESTORE CFSOFT.DISTATB.*.*:library.sublib TAPE=SYS006 LIST=YES REPLACE=YES /* // MTC RUN,SYS006 /& ATB requires less than 500 library blocks.