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New Features and Updates for XAPI

Last Update: 06/02/99

1. XAPI key code ApkClearBuf
For asynchronous devices only, a new key code has been added to allow
the image buffer to be cleared from an XAPI application.

        api_request:    apisndkey
        api_key_code:   ApkClearBuf

        (Note:  ApkClearBuf is defined in header CFXDVCST.H)

Execution of this command will not impact the state of the connection
to the host.  It's primary function, though, is to be used in
recovery processing when the connection to the host has been lost.
For example, assume the image buffer contains the following:

        CONNECT 9600

Here, it's clear the phone connection has been dropped.  If the
XAPI program were to scan the image buffer for the string 'CONNECT',
then the scan would be satisfied immediately, even before a new
connection could be established.  The solution is to issue send the
ApkClearBuf key upon detection of the CARRIER LOST condition, then
attempt to redial.

In CFXDIAL/DIALOG/etc., ApkClearBuf can be invoked via the following


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